Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Female Full-Body Orgasm


A full-body orgasm is a term often used to describe an intense and pleasurable sexual experience that goes beyond the typical localized sensations associated with orgasm. It's important to note that experiences of orgasm can vary greatly among individuals, and not everyone may have the same sensations or experiences.

In the context of a "full-body orgasm," some people describe it as a heightened and prolonged state of orgasmic pleasure that seems to radiate throughout their entire body, rather than being centered solely in the genital area. It may involve sensations of warmth, tingling, or waves of pleasure that extend beyond the genital region and can include the chest, limbs, and even the head.

It's worth noting that achieving a full-body orgasm can be a deeply personal and subjective experience, and not everyone may have experienced it. Factors such as relaxation, arousal, communication with a partner, and exploration of one's own body can all play a role in the intensity and quality of sexual experiences.

What is full body orgasm?

Orgasm can be experienced as an expression of energy involving the whole body. Instead of focusing on the intense, localized sensations created through friction between the male and female sexual organs, here we use breathing, sound and movement to expand orgasmic energy beyond the genitals. You can create a regenerative orgasm of the whole body.

Full body orgasm focuses on building up sexual energy the same as with genital orgasm, but instead of releasing the energy, it directs it upwards through chakras (energy centers) up to the head.

As the energy moves through the chakras and encompasses the whole body and your whole being, emotions can arise in a form of sadness, guilt or anger which are result of stagnant blockages in the body. These blockages can be expressed and removed.

The significant part of full body orgasm is that physical tension and strain present in genital sex is transformed into a deep relaxation allowing the orgasmic state to be felt at the whole-body level.

How to have full body orgasm?

There are three essential components, allowing to achieve full body orgasm for the woman:

·         Staying In the Present Moment

It is important to be fully involved in what you are doing here and now, at the present moment, and to try to maintain that attitude. This means not stressing about what to do next and not worrying about how well you are doing

·         Learning To Love Ourselves and Our Bodies

We are bombarded by the visual images every day. Looking at the unreal to match perfection of beautiful, curvy bodies of models, actors and sex symbols, disrupts our ability to love our own bodies regardless to its physical qualities. This real beauty comes from within and is not dependent on

social trends. Tantra teaches us to love, care and accept our bodies and ourselves, regardless of age, shape and color. After all, how can we expect other people to love us and our bodies if we can’t.

·         De-Armoring Genitals

Our feelings carry energy, the need for crying or laughing, feeling of anger or sadness. If this energy is not released, it will be stored in the body. This process is called body armoring, in which past traumatic experiences are contained in the muscular level of the body. It is important to release these past wounds, memory, trauma.

The effect of body armor results in reduced capacity to feel pleasure, as the armoring of female sexual organs as any other part of the body, will cause reduced sensitivity.

We can effectively heal these past wounds and transform pain into pleasure only through direct, hands-on, loving and healing massage around the genital area and inside the yoni (vagina).

Breath, Sound, Movement

Three additional elements should be added to the three components, we have outlined above:

·         Breath

Deep conscious breathing brings you closer to your physical sensations. As you become more aware of your breathing, you will find that you can connect with any part of your body by breathing into it and creating sensations and feelings in the whole body. The deeper you breathe, the more you connect with your sexual energy.

·         Sound

Being able to verbally communicate your feelings is important. It helps you to ask for what you desire and helps your partner know what you are feeling. You can start by letting out deep sound as you exhale and expressing your feelings through sound while making love.

·         Movement

You can express your feelings through movement. Simply allow your body to express how you are feeling or what you want to communicate. It is the lack of movement that causes restriction to your energy flow.

Inner Pathway and Chakras

Hollow Bamboo (inner pathway) - the name that originated in Taoist tradition. This inner channel begins at the perineum (point between the anus and genitals), and moves up to the top of the head and above (crown chakra). As the sexual energy travels through the inner path, it passes through each of the seven chakras, creating different sensations, feelings, emotions and colors.

Self-Pleasuring: The healing tool

Every woman is the source of her own orgasm. When you learn how to pleasure yourself and to know your body fully, then you can teach your partner and show him how you want to be touched and loved. Unfortunately, many people still believe that their orgasm depends entirely on their partner skills.

As you learn to read erotic map of your body, you will build confidence and trust in yourself as a sexually beautiful being, discovering that through physical pleasure you can bridge your sexual energy and your heart.

Energy Orgasms

If you really want to lean into the tantric sex angle, go for the energy orgasm—a type of orgasm that involves no touch whatsoever. This involves separating the experience of an orgasm from the physical stimulation usually needed to make it happen.

To have an energy orgasm, you'll have to really commit. Set aside some time and create a cozy, sensual, romantic bedroom environment to help get yourself in the mood. Then follow these steps:

1.       Lie back comfortably with your knees bent and feet on the bed or floor. 

2.       Take long, deep breaths to relax the entire body.

3.       Focus on your genitals, visualizing yourself stimulating yourself slowly and sensually (without actually doing it).

4.       If you're with a partner, they can hold one hand over your genitals and create a motion of moving the sexual energy from your genital area upward, starting with small strokes and then building up to longer ones reaching all the way up your body.

5.       In rhythm with your breathing and with your partner's hand and energy movements, start to undulate and create a wavelike motion with your body. 

6.       Make noise! Start out with soft moans and really start to let loose and get loud as the sexual energy begins to build.

7.       Increase the speed of your motions and sounds of your moans. You'll start to feel the pressure building. Keep going until you finally reach that orgasmic peak!


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