Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How can Marijuana Make your Sexual Experience Unforgettable?

When Viagra hit the market back in the late 1990-s, it was widely expected that a women’s form would follow really soon. Many different experiments were conducted … and quite a few failures later, the trial and error process continues with women waiting anxiously for their version of a relationship-enhancing pill.

While the women’s sexual life enhancement pill seems to still in substantial pharmaceutical limbo, there is one way of loosening up the female libido. And, it is related to the use of marijuana. Throughout the human history, pot has been shown to have the ability to heighten the females sex drive while, heightening their sensual awareness.  The close association between marijuana consumption and a female’s sexual arousal is hardly new. Historically, many ancient societies encouraged to consume marijuana specifically for these purposes.

History of Use

Marijuana has been used for over 3,000 years to heighten libido, predominantly in the Hindu/Buddhist Tantric practices of India but also in Serbia, Morocco, Egypt, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. India’s Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbi medicine systems have utilized cannabis to overcome impotence, raise libido, and as a general cure for disease. Tantric Cannabis rituals date back to 700 A.D. and help the users achieve Nirvana by escaping suffering and gaining knowledge and enlightenment. Elaborate rituals were created to this end, celebrating sexual union and Kundalini yoga.

The cannabis high for these Indian rituals was not obtained through smoking, but rather through a traditional drink called Bhang. Considered a sacred medicinal drink to this day, Bhang resembles a spiced chai but with a milkshake consistency. It is said to ward off evil spirits, heal the body, bring good fortune, and cleanse people of sins.

Anthropologists have linked marijuana use in India to the goddess Kali, and note that psychotropic effects come from the female (flowering) part of the plant. As a result, the sacred use of cannabis was more popular in regions where there was some form of goddess worship. However, cannabis has also been used to enhance the sexuality of women in traditionally repressed cultures. Of interest is the fact that Buddhist monks and ascetics have been using cannabis to decrease sexual desire and achieve union with the spirit of oneness. Thus, the duality of marijuana continues to prove that individual differences in the user, plant strains, and dosage can change its effect on libido.

In 19th century Serbia, female virgins were given mixtures of lamb's fat and cannabis on their wedding night to make sex less painful. Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon and other Middle Eastern and Northern African cultures used cannabis for sexual purposes in a potent form known at kif as recently as the early 20th century.

Why Marijuana?

So what exactly is it about weed that turns people on? Besides the obvious: it heightens your senses, relaxes you and makes you feel hyper-connected, there are also physiological effects. Along with an increased heart rate, changes in blood flow and respiration, according to William Novak, author of the 1980 tome, High Culture: Marijuana in the Lives of Americans, "Neurochemistry, hormonal systems and brain regions such as the temporal lobe are affected by both marijuana and sexual arousal."

That is because THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in pot, not only releases dopamine in the brain -- causing the "high" -- it actually replicates the effects of a sexy little naturally occurring neurochemical called anandamide.

There is also social component in the marijuana smoking. Pot can amplify sex appeal because smoking is commonly a shared activity.  Sharing pot creates an enjoyable, communal experience. For some, the act of smoking is sexualized into a fetish.  The use of the mouth, the spark of fire, lips on a piece of beautiful, ornate glassware and lilting plumes of smoke can be a turn on as well.

Common Effects

In most cases, pot makes your sex unforgettable. However, is not always the case. Based on the multiple researches, for some people, it produces the opposite effect. Which might be helpful as well, if you are a nun. Ascetics, monks, nuns, and others may use marijuana to free themselves of sexual desire. Instead of connecting them to their bodies, sexual desires, or other people, it helps them meditate.

In the context of a sexual encounter, it can be tough to focus on making your partner come when your mind is busy contemplating the meaning of life. On the other hand, if being high makes you suddenly hyper-aware of everything that is wrong with your relationship.

The effects of smoking also depend on the person's tolerance to the drug -- a couple of tokes may get one person in the mood, while another user may need to get extremely high in order to feel a heightened sexual awareness.

According to Dr. Lester Grinspoon, a psychiatrist and retired professor at the Harvard Medical School, there is minimal risk to using cannabis and most can find some medicinal benefit. As a well-published author in the field of drugs and drug policy, Dr. Grinspoon notes that marijuana is not an aphrodisiac in the true sense of the word as it does not lead to an erection but instead enhances arousal when attraction already exists.

Marijuana and the Female Libido

In general, the marijuana use improves the chance of getting orgasm, which is especially important for the menopausal women, who may have difficulties to achieve one without stimulants. However, the enhanced sensitivity to the sensual touch and ability for extreme concentration to the lovemaking goes occasionally hand-in-hand with the process perception slow down, making the overall process longer and more enjoyable.

As the potential reasoning for the process slowdown is related to the scientific suggestions that the endocannabinoids in marijuana may reduce female genital arousal. As result, smoking marijuana is strongly suggested as a treatment for a condition known as persistent genital arousal disorder in women, which is most likely to occur in women who have bipolar disorder or who have suddenly stopped taking antidepressants.

Nevertheless, for most women genital arousal is only part of sexual stimulation. Dis-inhibition regarding touch may allow a woman to feel aroused along all of her erogenous zones, not just the obvious body parts such as the vagina and the breasts. Many women are stimulated on the mid-line of the abdomen, the nose, the indentation at the upper lip, the crown of the head, and the tip of the tongue.

Some women find that their sexual energy is too “hot” to control when they do not use marijuana or a similar calming drug. They find that their libido is manageable when they smoke pot. There are women who smoke pot prior to sex in part to feel more in charge of their lovemaking.

History of Research

For the past 40 years, scientists have tried to pin down weed’s sexual effects. The first study, in the mid-1970s was totally absurd. It showed that marijuana reduces blood levels of the sex hormone testosterone by up to 50 percent. Because testosterone fuels sex drive in both men and women (yes, women produce female versions of male sex hormones), the researchers said this could cause libido loss. The news media trumpeted this study, and law enforcement and government officials proclaimed, “Pot destroys sex.” The study is still cited today—despite the fact that it was absolutely wrong.

The study triggered a flurry of research on marijuana and testosterone that were published in the late 1970-s. Those studies—several of them—all agreed that marijuana caused no significant suppression of testosterone, therefore, no libido loss or sexual impairment, even among frequent users.

In the 1980-s, several studies showed that pot’s sexual effects are all over the map, from strongly sex inhibiting to strongly sex enhancing, but most people reported enhancement. The best report, based on interviews with 97 adults in Kansas City, showed that “more than two-thirds of subjects reported increased sexual pleasure and satisfaction with marijuana use. About half of both sexes also reported increased sexual desire while using marijuana. Emotional closeness and physical enjoyment of snuggling were also enhanced.” But one-third said the drug was not sex-enhancing, and half reported no increase in desire.

That was pretty much where things stood for 20 years.

Then, in 2003, Canadian researchers interviewed 104 Toronto adults. Did weed increase their libido? One-quarter said it “often” or “always” did, 40 percent said “sometimes,” and one-third said it “seldom” or “never” enhanced their sexual desire. In other words, about half called the drug reliably sex-enhancing, but half said otherwise. One-third said sexual enhancement was a key reason they used weed, but half said sex played little, if any, role in their use of the drug. In 2008, another Canadian team interviewed 41 adults. About half said marijuana boosted their libidos, increased sensitivity to touch, and enhanced erotic pleasure. However, half said it did not.

And the latest studies, made specifically for female respondents, revealed that women in average are more likely than men to report enhanced sexual desire with marijuana use. In one study, 90 percent of women reported that marijuana increased feelings of sexual pleasure and satisfaction to varying degrees, and 40 percent of women reported that marijuana increased the quality of their orgasm.

A journalist, covering sexuality and sex topics for 40 years, a being responsible for “All About Sex” blog for respectable r presented this question to the readers: How does marijuana affect your sex life? About 100 responded. And here are the results (with respondents brief statements):

Marijuana enhances sex: 67%
* “I’m not a frequent smoker, but when I have smoked and then had sex, it’s been the most amazing sex of my life.”
* “Marijuana engulfs me in sex foam. I am just pure sex on that stuff. It is great. I could never feel that way sober or drunk.”
* “Definitely enhances sex. A few tokes make me feel horny the vast majority of the time, and it makes the whole experience much more enjoyable.”
* “After smoking, I can feel my nipples perk up, clitoris tingle, and vagina become wet to the point that I can feel it through my pants and my man knows he is in for a LONG night.”
* “Cannabis is soooo good for sex that sometimes it can become awkward because the woman might get the wrong idea….”

Marijuana destroys sex: 12%
* “My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for our relationship.”
* “As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost 5 years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me more and more.”

It depends on the dose, strain, and one’s mood: 20%
*“The effects of marijuana strongly relate to how a person is feeling prior to smoking. If I am in a bad mood and smoke, sex is completely out of the question because, as stated above, I become too “inward” and just cannot connect with someone else. On the other hand, if my beau and I have had a great night out and top it off with a bowl, it’s definitely got its merits.”
* Contrary to popular belief, not all buds are alike. Some of it makes you want to be very sexual and I have had some of the best orgasms of my life after using marijuana. Some of it makes you feel more introverted and thoughtful. Perhaps you should consider that like any drug, there are variations of it that give different responses.”
* “I find that indica shortly before sex is just unbeatable for mind blowing lovemaking. Sativa should be avoided as its cerebral nature will make your mind wander.”

Tips for Beginners

* If you are not a smoker, it might be complicated for you to smoke pot from the standard pipe. It is recommended to use a vaporizer to enhance your experience and make it more pleasurable. By using vaporizer, you also minimize the negative effects of inhaling hot air with undesirable tar components.
* In both men and women, there is so-called “dose effect,” which means that the amount of marijuana taken can drastically change the impact. More than one study found that one marijuana cigarette (or joint) can have positive effects while smoking two may have negative sex effects.
* At lower doses, marijuana may alter how you sense and perceive sexual stimuli in ways that enhance sex. People report that their awareness of touch is heightened, and their perception of time can change. So things "feel" better, and sex seems to go on longer as well.
* In higher doses, marijuana can have a depressing effect, which can leave you without the energy to want sex, or the awareness of the way sex is feeling.
* The primary strains of marijuana are indica and sativa. Sativa offers a more active, cerebral high, while indica generally imbues the user with a body high and a more restful, mellow experience. Although there is still debate over which type acts as a greater aphrodisiac, it is typically thought that indica is a better choice for sexuality primarily because of its physical effects.

Sources and Additional Information: