Monday, February 24, 2014

Relieving Menopause Symptoms with Sepia

What is Sepia?

Sepia (Sepiae succus) is the juice of the cuttlefish; a blackish fluid contained in the abdomen of the animal, and from which the animal has the power of projecting the juice into the surrounding water. For medicinal purposes the juice is carefully dried, divested of its membranous envelope, and prepared by trituration according to the rules of the homeopathic pharmacy.

Although sepia has no place in the pharmacopoeia of the old school, and is, indeed, so little known by them that one of their foremost writers has endeavored to fling ridicule on homeopaths by stating that they ascribe medicinal virtues to the cuttlefish bone, which is mere carbonate of lime, it is a singular fact that Hippocrates set a high value on sepia as a remedy in diseases of women and in dysmenorrhoea, and that Galen ascribes to it tonic and stomachic qualities; while Marcellus recommends it for gravel and for the removal of freckles. A very singular anticipation by the ancients of the exact deductions from the homeopathic law.

Who can Benefit?

Sepia is a remedy for hormonal imbalances, and is often indicated in women, who have a slightly more masculine build, such as straight rather than curved hips.  Sepia women are also very often athletic, and even though, they generally may feel weak, they often feel much better from vigorous exercise.  Therefore, sepia can be considered as one of the first remedies for women who are actively involved in sports.  The exercise they take may be in the form of dance rather than athletics, as this is one of the main remedies for passion to dance in homeopathy. 

Sepia women are often career oriented, rather than oriented toward raising a family, though they may be engaged in both activities simultaneously, and having a rough time balancing the two.  If they are raising a family, even though they love their family dearly, it can be a stress on them.  Occasionally people who need Sepia have a difficult time showing affection, or they can be indifferent to the people they love, and have a lot of anger or aversion to their spouse.  These feelings often come to the fore right before the period is due, in the form of PMS anger.

Sepias tend to suffer from weakness and low energy in general, and the worse time of day for them is often three to five in the afternoon. Other distinctive features of the Sepia profile are a love of watching thunderstorms, which Carcinosin and Lycopodium also share, aggravation from doing the laundry, a yellow- brown saddle or discoloration across the cheeks and nose, a desire for chocolate, vinegar, lemons and pickles.

Sepia for Menopause Symptoms Treatment

Sepia is a natural menopause treatment for many symptoms. The woman needing Sepia may be chilly most of the time, except during hot flashes. She may weep easily and desire strenuous exercise or physical activity, which often relieves her symptoms temporarily. Sepia provides relief for sadness, indifference, moodiness, vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse.

Hot flashes that move upward with profuse perspiration, and weakness after a flush; especially during the day in the afternoon, in the evening and at night, and worse for slightest exertion mental or physical; anxiety during hot flashes; hot sweats worse at night; offensive smelling sweats; profuse perspiration of female genitals during menopause.

Other symptoms during menopause:
* Anxiety;
* Palpitations;
* Weakness and sudden fainting worse before periods and in a room full of people;
* Sinking sensation in the stomach;
* Weight gain;
* Increased or lack of appetite;
* Difficult breathing;
* Hair loss;
* Migraines, left-sided headaches, burning at top of head;
* Nose bleeds;
* Early, irregular and heavy periods with flooding;
* Congestion and nervous irritability of female organs and tissue;
* Backaches better for movement;
* Involuntary urination;
* Nose bleeds;
* Osteoporosis;
* Vaginal discharge, vaginal dryness;
* Vaginal yeast infections;
* Vaginal pain during sexual intercourse;
* Uterine pain;
* Ovarian pain;
* Cervical erosion;
* Heavy menstrual periods during, metrorrhagia during and after menopause;
* Total loss of sexual libido;
* Constipation;
* Weariness;
* General feeling of chill.

Besides helping to relieve physical conditions discomfort, associated with menopause, sepia may help with psychological hardship as well, including the following conditions:
* Hysterical tendencies during menopause;
* Anxiety and mental imbalance in perimenopause, and during menopause.
* Anxiety during menopause with flushes of heat.  Anxiety usually is worst in the evening, but may slightly improve in the morning. Anxiety makes them walk faster.
* Agoraphobia with fear of going out; dread of meeting with friends.
* Claustrophobia in narrow places.
* Poor memory and difficulty concentrating worse under stress;
* Irritability and over-sensitivity.
*Depressive symptoms. Depression is worse on waking up in the morning, but may get better throughout the day. The affected women eventually become indifferent to everything and everyone with disgust for life. So, they do not want to do anything, neither work nor play, even thinking is an exertion. They tend sulk and lash out at those closest. Withdraws and may use alcohol or marijuana to escape.

Side Effects

According to “Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines,” one of the most common side effects is a sensation of “bearing down” or pressure in the uterus, with the feeling that the insides are falling out through the vagina. With this feeling the person has the need to cross her legs in an effort to keep everything. There is also a disinterest in sex and an inability to show affection, along with hot flushes.

Constipation, nausea accompanied by a feeling of emptiness in the stomach that isn’t satisfied by eating, a desire for sour, bitter and pungent foods, and a dislike for milk, meat, fats and salt characterizes the digestive side effects. Reports of weakness and fatigue, of being withdrawn and “burned out,” have been seen as a result of too much Sepia. The inability to generate any physical energy accompanied with emotional apathy is a common side effect.

Taking too much Sepia may cause a person to become moody, listless, indifferent and sad one minute, then stubborn, aggressive, disagreeable, defensive and irritable the next. You may cry easily and have the desire for the companionship of others but get annoyed with them when they try to comfort you, according to the book “Synoptic Materia Medical”

Patients taking Sepia may experience the sensation of a “ball” inside the body. This feeling may be felt in the abdomen, rectum, throat or uterus. Chilliness with the inability to get warm even in a warm room and sensitivity to cold weather are other possible side effects of taking Sepia.

Sources and Additional Information: