Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Deal Naturally with Vaginal Bleeding After Menopause?

Menopausal transition inevitably occurs later in a woman’s life, usually between 45 and 55 years old. As women age, estrogen levels gradually decline, ovaries stop producing eggs and menstruation eventually stops. However, some women experience postmenopausal bleeding, which can be heavy at times. Some herbal remedies may help to stop the bleeding, although there is little scientific evidence that herbs actually work, as there was no research completed on the topic. We would recommend you to consult your physician before taking any herbal supplements to fight this condition.

Here are some of the most popular organic and natural supplements, considered to be effective in addressing post menopausal bleeding are briefly presented below.


 Alfalfa which balances hormones, lowers cholesterol, and eases vaginal inflammation when eaten in itself, taken as a supplement, or infused in a sitz bath. Alfalfa is an excellent source of the Vitamin K, which may help to minimize or completely end the postmenopausal bleeding.

Vitamin K is manufactured by friendly bacteria in the intestines. If you take antibiotics for any reason, it may kill bacteria without asking if they are friend or foe. Vitamin K might make the difference between bleeding and not bleeding, or at least less bleeding rather than more. It is recommended to take a vitamin K as supplement, consume acidophilus or eat yogurt to help replace the friendly bacteria, and/or eat foods rich in vitamin K.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is another favorite gynaecological ingredient due to its menstrual symptom-relieving properties. It is a menopausal herb that acts specifically on the uterus. It contains photochemical and plant estrogens that mimic your body's natural estrogen production. It has also been effective in regulating bleeding. The herb has minimal negative effects, with users sometimes experiencing mild headaches. Black cohosh has been prescribed by German doctors since the 1950's to reduce uterine cramping.

Tinctures and tablets containing extract of black cohosh are recommended to lower blood pressure and to stimulate the pituitary gland. You can also try cinnamon bark tincture to address the bleeding. Six to twelve drops of it on your tongue or mixed with drinking water or juice and taken thrice daily can do wonders in alleviating lower back pain and treating uterine haemorrhaging.

Shepherd’s Purse

Shepherd’s purse (CapseIla bursapastoris) is a weed that originated in the Middle East, but it now grows across the globe. Modern herbalists and naturopaths use the entire plant for various treatments. Shepherd’s purse is dried and infused in a liquid extract or as a tincture. Naturopaths use Shepherd's purse tea to stop all types of hemorrhages, including the regulation of bleeding and spotting. It helps to regulate progesterone levels and has androgenic properties.

However, there is no scientific research that supports the use of this herbal remedy to control bleeding. Shepherd's purse can cause side effects such as thyroid enlargement, low blood pressure, trouble walking, unusual drowsiness, enlarged pupils and respiratory paralysis.

Wild Yam

Traditionally, naturopaths used wild yam to treat menstrual cramps and difficulties with childbirth. The plant contains a compound that can be chemically converted into the hormone progesterone, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. By many practitioners it is considered as a valid alternative to traditional hormone treatment. The herb is used as a base for many marketed natural creams used to reduce symptoms of menopause. As said, it is an estrogenic herb whose progestogenic properties help alleviate post-menopausal bleeding.

In spite of the good record on the plant effectiveness in reducing negative menopause symptoms, including postmenstrual bleeding, there is still not much scientific evidence to validate the results. Wild yam is a source of phytoestrogen, a plant-based estrogen, which may adversely interact with some hormonal replacement therapies.

Life Root

Life root is an herbal remedy traditionally used in Native American culture to hasten childbirth. Liferoot is a menopause herb that contains plant estrogens.  Life root grows naturally throughout the United States and the entire plant is used for medicinal purposes.

Menopausal women can use this to treat excessive or irregular bleeding that occurs as body goes through its change. The plant is also included in some herbal supplements designed to control irregular menses. However, the herb contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids and is not considered safe. The plant is toxic and should be taken with extreme care, according to Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are related to hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease and liver cancer.


Soy is a plant that contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones. Phytoestrogens are substances that mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen. During menopause your ovaries stop producing this hormone. You can get soy from foods such as soy milk, soybeans and tofu. There are also soy-containing supplements available on the market. 

Soy isoflavones have been used to treat hot flashes and excessive bleeding associated with menopause. However, evidence supporting its effectiveness is still conflicting. Some studies suggest moderate relief; others suggest no relief; or the placebo effect. Possible side effects include constipation, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, and/or headache. Do not use soy-containing supplements if you have or had breast cancer.

Other Considerations

To naturally keep vaginal bleeding after menopause at bay, strive for a serene state of mind and go on a healthy diet and lifestyle. Stress and anxiety are major causes of psychosomatic post-menopausal symptoms that include vaginal bleeding. Being calm and centered can do wonders for your overall emotional, mental, and physical well-being without having to rely on medication. Likewise, going on a sensible diet plan instead of crash dieting can help prevent post-menopausal vaginal bleeding. Discuss your nutritional needs with your doctor to come up with the best method to lose weight gradually. You may desire immediate results, as far as your weight is concerned, but being healthy should still be your top priority.

Nutritional choices have an effect on your hormonal balance. Poor dietary choices can increase chances of bleeding during menopause. Eating a well-balanced diet is recommended to prevent episodes of bleeding. Taking supplemental vitamins during menopause also helps to regulate your body's estrogen levels. You can take Vitamin A supplements and a Vitamin B complex to help with bleeding. Taking Vitamin C is also a good way to help with the symptoms of post-menopausal spotting. Bioflavonoids are collagen-building nutrients that help strengthen blood vessels to reduce bleeding.

Lady's mantle and periwinkle are remedies that help promote blood coagulation. It is also helpful to consume more green vegetables like kale, spinach, celery and parsley to help with breakthrough bleeding.

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