Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Natural Menopause Relief with Pulsatilla

What is Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla nigricans belongs to the Rannunculacae family, commonly known as wind flower. The homeopathic medicine is prepared from the fresh plant when in flower. Wind flower, this name keeps the characteristic symptom of the Pulsatilla in it is as “fickle as the wind”. Changeability of the symptoms is characteristic of the drug. All mental as well as physical symptoms have a fickle nature.

Pulsatilla is the one natural remedy, many women use from adolescence on through menopause to alleviate the hormone balance issues. It is a remedy that has an affinity for the genito-urinary organs, stomach and bowels. It is represented in ailments from all phases of menses from delayed onset at puberty, dysmenorrhea and irregularities of menses to issues during pregnancy, post partum, peri-menopause and menopause.

The diminutive pasque flowers have been used for medicinal purpose right from the Greek classical age. The flower has got its name from the word ‘Pasch', an ancient term used to denote Easter. This is primarily owing to the fact that these flowers usually blossom during the time of Easter. According to a Roman myth, the pasque flower has its origin in the tears of goddess Venus and, hence, people in ancient times used this flower to treat tearfulness. In 1805, Hahnemann proved that pulsatilla is an effective remedy for an assortment of disorders that vary from colds and coughs to digestive and gynecological complaints.

Who May Benefit?

This homeopathic solution may be especially useful for women, who experience sharp and severe hormonal changes throughout their life, causing the substantial health issues during menopause. They have the wild mood swings usually referred as “PMS-ing”. Yes, their moods are changeable, their appetites are changeable and their symptoms are changeable. In a word, they are very sensitive to change especially as it relates to the menstrual cycle. They are much worse before menses, during menses and from suppressed menses.

As to the personal characteristics, note that it is so easy to love the person who may most benefit Pulsatilla. They are sweet, affectionate, and want to please you. When they enter the change zone they can become demanding and manipulative to get attention. They are emotional and cry easily and can become quite depressed.  This marked mood change is a keynote to look out for. For the same reason, Pulsatilla is frequently prescribed for the menopausal woman who experiences empty nest syndrome when the children leave home or college. The sense of abandonment and a forsaken feeling characterize her depression and she weeps often at the very thought of them leaving.

Physically, the gastrointestinal disturbances of irritable bowel syndrome are likely here with alternating states of constipation and diarrhea. Severe flushes of heat may accompany the bowel pains.  Even though this person complains of being chilly, they cannot tolerate any form of heat. You might note that they have a strong desire for fresh, open air. Once again, the case taking is important to differentiate remedies and in the case of Pulsatilla, she may mention that she has never been truly well since puberty. Chronic headaches, sinus infections, allergies, discharges, bladder infections, digestive disturbances, ovarian cysts and anxiety are all conditions that she may complain of. The manner in which Pulsatilla relates her symptoms is one of a sweet, imploring tone, almost pleading for help and support.

Main Symptoms at Menopause

Main symptoms of menopause, which is usually experienced by women, who may benefit for taking Pulsatilla:
* Hot flashes of especially the face, and the rest of the body feels chilly when not flushing;
* Hot sweats worse at night and from heat, but is not thirsty;
* Is almost always weepy.
* Frequent vaginal yeast infections;
* Cervical erosion;
* Asthma starting during menopause;
* Irregular periods;
* Uterine pains and non-menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia);
* Involuntary urination;
* Varicose veins;
* Nose bleeds;
* Left-sided migraines and headaches with pain in temples;
* Tinnitus;
* Palpitations;
* Insomnia;
* Skin bruises easily;
* Rheumatic pains in extremities, especially hip pains;
* Weight gain;
* Fluid retention;
* Desires sweets;
* Osteoporosis;
* Post menopausal ailments and hormonal disturbances (estrogen).

Symptoms are:
* Better from: fresh open air, cool rooms, windows open, cold, dry weather, cold bathing, cold compresses, slow walking, gentle motion, weeping, sympathy, evening; and
* Worse from: heat and warmth, warm rooms, humid conditions, change in weather from cold to warm and warm to cold, being chilled and wet weather; too many clothes, warm compresses, late afternoon, evening, night, after eating.

Given constitutionally, Pulsatilla regulates high estrogen metabolism with progesterone imbalance.

Using Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla homeopathic remedy can be found in multiple potencies, generally ranging from low levels like 6x, all the way up to 10M. The number/letter system corresponding to the potency is based on how many dilutions the remedy has had. The more dilutions - the higher the number and the stronger the dose of the remedy. Generally, acute symptoms are treated with lower potencies like 6X and taken every few hours until symptoms resolve. More chronic conditions are treated with higher potencies ranging from 30 to 200C. Higher potencies are taken much less frequently. For example, pulsatilla 200C can be given one time only for chronic conditions and not redosed until reevaluated in six to eight weeks. All homoeopathic remedies should be taken 20 minutes before or after eating or drinking, dissolved under the tongue, and all strong aromas such as menthol and coffee should be avoided.

Sources and Additional Information: